Complete Business Templates Pack (21 templates)


This templates pack contains all 21 business templates shown on the Word For Businesses website.

  • Agenda
  • Checklist
  • Contract
  • Exit Interview
  • Invoice
  • Job Description
  • Legal Numbering
  • Letter
  • Minutes
  • New Supplier
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • Note
  • Proposal
  • Quality Policy
  • Quote
  • Report
  • Sale and Purchase Agreement
  • Service Level Agreement
  • SOP template

Total price if purchased individually = $555 ($277.5 while on initial launch sale).

Note: if you would prefer me to rebrand these for you (rather than you doing it), then please contact me via the Work with Me page.

Save over 10% more than buying each one individually.

Additional info

With Microsoft Word, the hard work is actually in the design itself.

However, with the W4B templates, this has been done for you. Now all you need do is tweak the template to your brand colours, add your logo, and you're good to go.

Keep it simple sunshine

Word will let you do some extravagant and creative designs but simple is best.

One word of advice is to remember Word's Get out of jail card:

  1. Save a copy of your template and work on that copy.
  2. In Word, Ctrl+Z (this is the shortcut key combination for undo) is your best friend.

Instant access after download

Remember, when you purchase this template you get:

  • Instant access after download.
  • Video training on how to work with these templates in Word.

About these templates

  • They work on both pc and Mac versions of Word (post 2010).
  • They were personally designed by me.
  • You get lifetime access, including any and all future updates.

About me

  • I've personally self-published over 1,000 books for myself and clients (check out some of the reviews on the home and testimonials pages).
  • I've been using Word since 1994.
  • Microsoft even hired me to help improve their template's usability.
  • Microsoft hired me to write some of their Word help (on their docs site).
  • I'm a certified MOS Word Expert.

All of which should reassure you that, where Word's concerned, I do know what I'm talking about.

Microsoft Office Specialist Word Expert (MOS)

Remember, your payment is a one-off . There are no recurring fees, and is your absolute best chance of being the author you've always wanted to be.



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"Working with Russ answers once and for all, "what's the difference between working with a professional/specialist vs an amateur/generalist?" As a result of working with him, I have a new way of working with Word."
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Steve Pinckney
Owner and Principal