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Thanks for signing up and you should be seeing some action in your inbox in a few minutes.

If for some reason you don't, feel free to contact me and I'll look into it (please use the Contact/Assistance box on this page).

Many thanks,

Russ signature

I'm happy to help with any Word questions or issues you have.

How come?

Because, when setup correctly, Word is surprisingly easy.

I’ll record a quick video where I not only tell you what the problems with your template are, but I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do to fix them.

Zero obligations

Being crystal-clear and 100% UPFRONT, there is zero obligation here.

Feel free to take the video and the actionable information I provide and do your own thing/fix it in-house, etc. It’s your call. 

But if you do need to enlist my help, feel free to contact me to discuss.

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